
Suicides in India Report 2009

National Crime Records B urea has released the data about the Suicides deaths in India 2009. These are the reasons and causes of many suicides in India.

  • 348 Suicides per day
  • 223 Suicides by Male per day
  • 125 Sucides by Female per day out of which 69 were House wives
  • 82 Suicides per day due to Family problems
  • 73 Suicides per day due to Illness
  • 9 Suicides due to Bankruptcy
  • 8 Suicides per day each due to Poverty and Dowry dispute
  • 10 Suicides per day due to Love Affairs
  • 6 Suicides per day due to Failure in Examination day
  • 7 Suicides per day due to Unemployment
  • 128 Suicides per day in the age group 0-29 years
  • 119 Suicides per day in the age group 30-44 years
  • 101 Suicides per day in the age group 45 years & above

Source: Accident and Suicide Deaths in India Report NCRB 2009